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Career & Technical Education Consortium



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The HOYA II students  are on the downhill slide before they reach the ultimate goal post of high school graduation!! They are keeping extremely busy and avoiding the plague of senioritis. I am confident that these young adults will maintain their focus even as the weather gets warmer and graduation creeps closer.  


HOYA 2 will continue to use their critical thinking skills by doing situational assignments where they interact as CNAs and potential healthcare professionals via their online workbook. This allows a much more accurate illustration of what they can expect as they progress through their career paths.   


A few of the student group have completed their Leadership/Teaching assignments. They worked with local  elementary teachers and educated students in the 5th grade or lower on a healthcare subject. So far, students have taught proper teeth brushing and cardiovascular system. The younger generation of future HOYA students were taught where their radial pulse was located. They were also taught how exercise affects their heart rate by completing 30 seconds of jumping jacks and measuring their heart rate rate via their radial pulse.  The remaining groups will complete the Leadership/Teaching assignment this month.   


As teaching others is extremely important in any healthcare provider's profession, our students are working diligently on their team teaching projects to encompass the Medical Terminology of body systems this semester. These lessons include the pathology of specific disease processes, medical specialties and diagnostic tools that deal with those processes, as well as looking into some rare diseases they may encounter.  The students have found some interactive games to help with these teaching projects.  


Here’s to finishing April without any additional “snow days”.