CareerTEC Contact Information
Partnering to prepare students for tomorrow's careers CareerTEC (Career and Technical Education Consortium) is a consortium of 6 high school districts in northwest Illinois; Dakota, . . .
What is CTE?
College & Career Career Technical Education Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs in Illinois provide instruction for careers in high-wage, high-skill, and in-demand occupations. CTE programs continue to . . .
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CareerTEC Notifications
Please sign up for notifications regarding classes, weather cancelations, newsletter, etc.
CareerTEC Classes
CareerTEC Classes Enjoy the slideshow of our students in their CareerTEC classes.

CareerTEC Principals/Counselor's Breakfast
Our principals and counselors from Dakota, Durand, Freeport, Orangeville, Pearl City, Pecatonica & Highland enjoyed breakfast made by our Culinary Arts students.

Mall of Life
Thank you so much to Citizens State Bank, CareerTEC students in Careers in Business, HOYA 1, Culinary Arts and Computer Information Systems for a successful Mall of Life event this year. The CareerTEC Mall of Life . . .

CareerTEC Chronicle
Please enjoy the CareerTEC Chronicle Newsletter. CareerTEC Chronicle Vol. 9 Issue 1

CareerTEC Awarded Freeport Community Foundation Grant
CareerTEC was honored to receive the Freeport Community Foundations Grant for $4,868.00. The grant will be used for our Computer Information Systems students to take the CompTIA exams and to reform 10 of our computers for . . .

Career and Technical Education Fast Facts
Career and Technical Education Question: What information do you have about career and technical education (CTE) in public high schools? Response: During the 2016–17 school year, 98 percent of public school districts . . .
Educate. Explore. Excel
FREE Virtual CTE Professional Learning FREE Monthly Virtual CTE Events FREE Supporting Special Populations Webinars
Mental Health Supports for Illinois students and educators
Here is a new program to increase mental health supports for Illinois students and educators from ISBE. There are opportunities to participate in universal trainings on the impact of trauma, crisis response . . .
What is CTE?
What is CTE ? CTE prepares secondary, postsecondary and adult students with technical, academic and employability skills for success in the workplace and in further education. CTE Awareness ACTE is a national association . . .