HOYA 2 Sept/Oct Article
HOYA 2 students did a great job with their first Community Health bulletin board addressing the important subject of Suicide Prevention Awareness. In addition to the bulletin board, students designed a Google slide presentation. On Monday they will be planning the October monthly community health board. The focus of these assignments can be the “community” of CareerTEC students here at St. John’s or the entire community.
As teaching is a significant part of any healthcare career, students are also busy starting their planning stage of their Teaching project where they will go to local schools and teach something healthcare related to children at the 5th grade level or younger. This is always such a favorite assignment for the students.
We also have addressed the elephant in our classroom. Remember, the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. Our “elephant” is our Medical Terminology curriculum of at least 350 medical terms. So the medical terms are broken into weekly “bites” of approximately 25 word parts and terms.
As healthcare is ever changing and bioethics and technology advances are at a pace never seen before, the students have just completed their bioethical persuasive essay. They presented both pros and cons and then discussed their view. The essays covered AI (artificial intelligence) in Healthcare. Should it be welcomed or feared? I have been provided with some thought provoking information as I am reading through the essays.
In October students will be working on their second memo on employability skills and academic foundations. We will be looking into out of the ordinary healthcare careers. We are just finishing up with Complementary and Alternative Medicine.